Getting Approval for Home Projects
Homeowners must obtain approval from the River Crossing Architectural Control Committee (RCACC) for any project that affects the aesthetics of their home. You are required to provide the RCACC and your immediate neighbors with at least 21 days to review your project application. Work cannot begin until you receive approval; otherwise, fines may be imposed according to our Violation Policy.
​How to Apply:
You must submit your project application 21 days before work starts.
Ensure you have checked and submitted any City of Mill Creek permits required for your project.
Submit your project using our online form or PDF form, including all supporting documents.
You must notify your immediate neighbors of your project. You are not seeking their approval. However, they must be aware of your project details. You can upload their signatures using the new online form.
Submit your application. If you use the PDF form, you must email it to
Homeowners cannot begin work until they receive approval from the ACC. Doing so will incur fines outlined in our Violation Policy. If you started work without submitting an project form, you must submit our retroactive approval form.
To assure that additions or structural modifications (hereinafter referred to as New Development) within the River Crossing plats harmonize with the (1) surrounding structures, (2) surrounding natural and built environment, and (3) aesthetic character of other homes in the plat.
RCACC Jurisdiction
The RCACC is responsible for the review and subsequent determination of proposals for New Development, further defined by:
Residences—including but not limited to existing structure alterations or replacements (new doors, windows, roofing, siding, etc.), room additions, and exterior paint color changes to nonapproved colors.
Accessory Structures—including but not limited to garden sheds, tool sheds, playhouses, playground equipment, fences, retaining walls (using materials larger than “one man”), satellite dishes, or antennae.
Recreational Facilities—including but not limited to hot tubs, spas, fixed and mobile basketball courts, sports courts, swimming pools, bathhouses, or other exterior recreational facilities of a permanent nature.​
The RCACC shall have the authority to establish aesthetic standards for evaluating proposals. The RCACC may decline to approve any proposal that (1) fails to meet established standards and any other aesthetic standards promulgated by the RCACC and (2) adversely impacts nearby properties and other common areas or is of a temporary or nonpermanent nature.
Proposal Requirements
All proposals requiring review by the RCACC must be submitted 21 days before the start of the project. Owners/residents must use the Online ACC Form or the PDF Form on the website. All proposals must include:
The name of the owner, the address of the owner submitting the proposal, and the following information about the proposal as applicable:
The address and lot number
Location of the structure on the lot
Elevation of the structure, referencing the existing and finished grade
General design
All exterior finish materials, including color, grade, and roofing materials
Landscaping plans (including both front and back), and
Other information may be required by the RCACC and/or the City of Mill Creek (building permits) to determine whether the proposal conforms to the standards articulated in the CC&Rs and the Architectural and Aesthetic standards employed by the RCACC in evaluating New Development proposals.
Decision Process
Owners shall act objectively and responsibly when applying. The RCACC shall act responsibly, consistently, and with the purpose of our calling, utilizing the established process when making decisions on plans submitted by various owners for consideration.
The owner must give written notice to all adjacent owners describing and locating their proposal. Note that the definition of adjacent includes both common property lines (physical) and areas where the New Development is readily visible (visual).
The owner must give the RCACC an affidavit that the owner has given proper notice with the date of such notice.
Objecting owners must file a written objection with the RCACC within 21 days of receipt of the notice from the requesting owner.
The owner submits the proposal to the RCACC using the online form or the PDF form found on the website.
RCACC has 21 days to review homeowner proposals including fact-finding, determination, and owner notification.
RCACC Process Flow